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Expanding Our Global Reach

Expanding Our Global Reach

Earlier this year, we learned how HoH Moldova is working with Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war in their country. HoH Moldova has four palliative care teams working throughout the country – two of which are located very near to the Ukrainian border.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The holidays are behind us and we’re cautiously – but optimistically –looking forward to another year of increasing access to palliative care through partnerships, education and collaboration.

When Funding Gets Tight

When Funding Gets Tight

The provision of palliative care in a low-resource setting calls for dedication and innovation, even in the best of times. In rural settings, simply getting to patients – or patients to clinics or hospitals – is a major challenge.

Celebrating #HatsOn4CPC

Celebrating #HatsOn4CPC

On Friday, October 8 Global Partners in Care joined the global community in celebrating Hats (and Masks) on for Children's Palliative Care. The initiative was founded by the International Children's Palliative Care Network and is celebrated the second Friday in October of every year.