Other Ways to Give

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Global Partners in Care offer several other options for giving besides an online or mail donation.

Workplace Giving Programs

Workplace giving allows employees to make donations to nonprofits directly from their payroll, by credit card or check. If your employer conducts its own workplace giving campaign, please consider designating Global Partners in Care as the beneficiary of your workplace giving.

If you are a Federal employee, you can participate in the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Registration runs from September 1st through January 15 each year. Global Partners in Care is a member of Global Impact, a unique partnership of non-profit organizations serving families and communities globally. Our CFC number is CFC#11018.

Many employers have matching gift programs that can double or even triple your contribution. Make the most of your donation by requesting a matching gift form from your employer. Send the completed and signed form with your gift and we’ll take care of the rest!

Planned Giving

We believe that you want to join us to accomplish great things. With an estate planning gift to Global Partners in Care, you can create your personal legacy and help us build partnerships to enhance compassionate care throughout the world.

There are many ways you can make a difference:

  • Include Global Partners in Care in your will.
  • Name Global Partners in Care as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
  • Create a charitable gift annuity, which will provide you with fixed income for life, and donate any remainder to Global Partners in Care.

Stock Gifts

Gifts of long-term appreciated securities are an easy way to make an immediate gift and a lasting contribution to Global Partners in Care. You benefit as well, by getting:

  • An immediate charitable income tax deduction for the full market value on securities owned for more than one year.
  • Relief from capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the securities rather than donating them.
  • The satisfaction of donating crucial support to our work.

For more information on any of the above options for giving,
please contact us at info@globalpartnersincare.org or 574.367.2455.