Our Global Partners in Care staff is passionate about reducing suffering through enhancing access to hospice and palliative care worldwide. Our work is handled by a small number of core staff who ensure that our day-to-day operations advance our mission. As an affiliate of the Hospice Foundation, we are fortunate to share an engaged leadership and have access to a network of staff who all provide support to the work of Global Partners in Care.
Please contact us any time at info@globalpartnersincare.org or +1.574.367.2455

John Mastrojohn III

Mike Wargo
Vice President/COO

Lacey Ahern

Karl Holderman
Vice President/CFO

Heidi Payton
Executive Assistant

Denis Kidde
Program Coordinator

Cyndy Searfoss
Director of Marketing, Communications and Education

Jim Wiskotoni
Communications Manager

Chris Taelman
Chief Development Officer

Caron Gleva
Finance Assistant

Nora Crosen
Development Assistant