Employee Giving

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Workplace Giving Programs

Workplace giving programs allow employees to make donations to nonprofits directly from their payroll, by credit card or check. If your employer conducts its own workplace giving campaign, please consider designating Global Partners in Care.

If you are a Federal employee, you can participate in the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which runs from September 1st through December 15th of each year. Global Partners in Care is a member of Global Impact; our CFC number is CFC#11018.

Enhancing Access to Palliative Care Worldwide

Global Partners in Care enhances access to hospice and palliative care across the globe through:


Our Partnership Program enables US Partners to engage with sister organizations in low-resource settings.

Research and Education:

Advancing research and growing opportunities for learning are important aspects of enhancing access to quality palliative care worldwide.

Global Collaboration:

We work collaboratively with our partnership organizations, national associations and international organizations working to enhance access to hospice and palliative care around the world.