Hospices of Hope Moldova
Hospices of Hope has spent 30 years in developing palliative care services in southeast Europe and has been present in Moldova since 2008 when they helped establish the country’s first palliative care team. The international Hospices of Hope network (headquartered in the UK) is in Romania (Hospice Casa Speranței in Brasov and Bucharest), Serbia (BELHospice in Belgrade) and Albania.
Established in the capital city of Chisnau, Hospices of Hope Moldova now extends support to four palliative care teams in the more rural parts of the country where terminally ill patients find it hard to access any kind of care and often suffer unrelieved pain. They established the National Network of Palliative Care Services – the first in the country which includes four multidisciplinary mobile teams that provide free services to palliative care patients in Orhei, Soroca, Ocnita and Taraclia.
Recently, the organization has been supporting refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. They are working to ensure those refugees with palliative care needs are cared for. Additionally, they are providing basic medical care and triage to refugees with any health needs as they come across the border.
For more information, visit: https://hospicesofhope.md/ro/