Nyakahanga Lutheran Hospital
Nyakahanga Lutheran Hospital (NLH) provides holistic, affordable, and accessible quality health services in Karagwe, Tanzania. NLH’s palliative care program offers both facility-based palliative care and community-based palliative care (home-based). The hospital belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT), which serves as a large promoter of palliative care in Tanzania. NLH has an interest in partnering with an organization that is willing to share experiences and best practices in pain management and service provision. They want a partner who will assist in maximizing their efforts in bringing peace to those who are suffering from life-limiting conditions through advocacy, education, and training. NLH’s top priority is to strengthen their hospital services by training healthcare providers and community volunteers. For more information, please visit: www.elcthealth.or.tz/nyakahanga-hospital